Home How to How to Delete a Walgreens Account - read all facts here

How to Delete a Walgreens Account – read all facts here

Are you trying to close your Walgreens account but don’t know how? Use these simple steps to close it permanently.

Step 1: Log into Your Walgreens Account

To log into your Walgreens account, sign in using both email address and password.

Step 2: Contact Customer Support

Once signed in, navigate to the “Contact Us” section of our website and select “Email Us.” A form will open up where you can select your reason for inquiry.

Step 3: Account Deletion

To delete your Walgreens account permanently, choose “Account Deletion” as the reason for your inquiry and fill in all required information. In the comments section please specify this intention to do so.

Step 4: Submit Your Form

After filling out and submitting the form, click “Submit” to send your request directly to Walgreens’ customer support team.

Step 5: Wait for Confirmation

Now it is up to the customer support team at Walgreens to verify that your account has been deleted; an email should arrive shortly with this news.

Keep this in mind before deleting your Walgreens account: your order history and prescription records will no longer be accessible to you.

Before closing your account, ensure all pending orders or prescriptions have been cancelled and any saved payment methods removed. You should also consider deactivating them prior to deleting them completely.

Before deleting your account, ensure you use any rewards points or store credits you possess as these cannot be transferred or refunded after deletion.
If you run into any trouble during the account deletion process, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from Walgreens’ customer support team.


Deleting a Walgreens account is a straightforward and painless process that can be completed within minutes. By following our guide, you can permanently delete your account and ensure your personal data no longer resides on Walgreens servers. We hope this article has been beneficial; should any questions or feedback arise please let us know via the comments section below.


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