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how do i create a network between windows 7 and windows 10? – Explore all details

It is possible to share folders, files and other resources by creating a network with two computers. One computer runs Windows 7 while the other Windows 10. The networking process may seem complex because of the differences in the interfaces and features available on each operating system. However, it is actually quite simple when broken into manageable steps. This article will walk you through how to set up a network on Windows 7 and Windows 10

Network Sharing Setup

Windows 10 H2

Enabling Network Discovery

  1. Type “Control Panel” in the search bar, and then select the application to open the control panel.
  2. Select network and Internet.
  3. Click on Center for Network and Sharing.
  4. Select Advanced Sharing Settings from the left-hand panel.
  5. Expand the private profile.
  6. Check the Turn network discovery or File and Printer Sharing options.
  7. Click to save changes.

Sharing specific folders

  1. Find the folder that you wish to share.
  2. Select Properties by right-clicking on the folder.
  3. Click on Share.
  4. Select Everyone and click add.
  5. Set the Permission Level to Read/Write.
  6. Click Share and then Done.

Windows 7 H2

Enabling Network Discovery

  1. Select Network & Internet from the Control panel.
  2. Click on Center for Network and Sharing.
  3. Select Advanced Sharing Settings from the left-hand panel.
  4. Expand the Home or Work profile.
  5. Check the Turn network discovery or File and Printer Sharing options.
  6. Click to save changes.

Sharing specific folders

  1. Find the folder that you wish to share.
  2. Select Share the folder with > Specific people by right-clicking on the folder.
  3. Select Everyone and click add.
  4. Set the Permission Level to Read/Write.
  5. Click Share and then Done.

Connecting Two Computers

Access to Shared Folders

How to access shared resources from a Windows 7 computer on a Windows 10 one

  1. Open Windows Explorer on the Windows 7 computer.
  2. Click on network in the left pane.
  3. The name of your Windows 10 computer should be listed. Double-click it to open.
  4. If prompted, enter the Windows 10 computer credentials (username & password).
  5. The shared folder must be visible and easily accessible.

You can access shared resources from a Windows 7 computer on a Windows 10 device:

  1. Open File Explorer on the Windows 10 computer.
  2. Click on network in the left pane.
  3. The name of your Windows 7 computer should be listed. Double-click it to open.
  4. If prompted, enter the Windows 7 computer credentials (username & password).
  5. The shared folder must be visible and easily accessible.


The creation of a network that connects Windows 7 to Windows 10 allows the efficient sharing and transfer of files and other resources between both systems. This process requires setting up network share on both computers, and then connecting them. The process is a little tricky because of the


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