Home How to How to Make Text Vertical in Word – A Comprehensive Guide

How to Make Text Vertical in Word – A Comprehensive Guide

Vertical text can be helpful in many contexts, such as creating a sidebar or label for charts and graphs. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word makes it challenging to create vertical text, so many users struggle with this task. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to make text vertical in Word step-by-step.

Utilizing a Text Box

  • One way to create vertical text in Word is by using a text box. Here’s how:
  • To insert text, begin by clicking the “Insert” tab of your ribbon menu.
  • Select “Text Box,” and choose a style from the drop-down list.
  • Click inside of the text box and type your text there.
  • Right-click it again to bring up a Format Shape menu, followed by another selection for formatting purposes.
  • To rotate text 90 degrees, first open “Text Options,” then click on the “Textbox” icon.
  • Select “Rotate all text 90 degrees” from the Text Direction drop-down menu, and your text should now be vertical. You may now resize and move the text box as needed for proper sizing and positioning.

Creating Vertical Text with WordArt

  • WordArt can also be used for vertical text in Word. Here’s how:
  • To insert text, select the Insert tab from the ribbon menu.
  • Choose “WordArt” and choose a style from the drop-down menu.
  • Click inside the WordArt box and type your text there.
  • Right-click on this same WordArt box and select “Format Shape” from the list.
  • To set your text vertical, first open “Text Options,” then click the “Textbox” icon.
  • Select “Rotate all text 90 degrees” from the dropdown menu under Text Direction.
  • Your text should now be vertical – you can resize or move the WordArt as needed for optimal readability.

Text Direction Formatting

For vertical text that doesn’t fit into a text box or WordArt, Word’s text direction formatting can be used instead. Here’s how:

Highlight the text you wish to make vertical.

Select “Home” in the ribbon menu, then click on the “Text Direction” icon under Paragraph.
From this dropdown menu, choose “Rotate All Text 90 Degrees”.
Your text should now be upright!


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to create vertical text in Microsoft Word with ease. Whether you prefer text boxes, WordArt or text direction formatting – we’ve got everything covered. We hope this guide has been beneficial and good luck outranking your competition on Google search!


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